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What We Offer

The key driver in every business is the vision. Once that's clear and everyone gets it, everything becomes aligned and the true potential of the business can be released. Here are the tools we use:

20:20 Vision

Vision is constantly being buckled under the pressures of everyday life. But a bit like your spine, if it’s bent out of shape, nothing else can function as it should.

It starts with a deep-dive conversation with the senior leadership to dig down into the fundamental DNA of your organisation. We then collate and draw out key themes and reflect our findings back to you with recommendations.

This unified sense of purpose creates the energy needed for the adventure to come.

When morale was low at IKEA we helped them re-define and re-tell the story of the company’s founding vision to re-engage staff in a new way.

These guys are addictive.

Maggie Skelton

Customers in Charge

What would your customers change if you let them loose in your business? Customers are a critical part of a company’s ecosystem - not just as consumers but as experts of it - because they “experience” it in a way you cannot. We invite them in to co-create your future.
Digging deeper than online reviews and traditional focus groups to find out what your customers really think about your offering. We take time to draw them out, share what they really feel and encourage them to call out your blind spots.

Boden realised its young designers simply couldn’t imagine what life was like for a busy working mum. So we used our observational documentary skills to get under the skin of the customer and report back on what they really needed.

Whenever I see HIGHAM in the diary I know it won’t feel like work -  they make it fun!

Johnnie Boden, Founder, Boden

Comms 360

What do you really look like from the outside? We take an all-angles audit of your comms - how are you speaking about yourself in presentations, online, on social media and in person? Are you speaking with one voice? Is it the right tone, the right personality for the business?

In a 360 landscape, customers and clients have multiple touch points. As new technologies and platforms can dilute your message, we help you make sure that the heartbeat of your organisation can be heard in words, pictures, audio - whether over or under the line.

A growing tech business was struggling to show its personality in an ever-more remote business landscape. We helped them clarify their story, be confident about their identity, simplify their language and communicate in a unified way

Higham & Co helped us open up new possibilities and enter a new playing field by helping us bring out the personality of the company - who we really are. It was the missing piece of the puzzle and its going to help us tremendously

Shashin Shah, Founder, One Point


Imagine the cost to you of people in your team ALMOST doing the job they were made for. They fitted the job spec but it doesn’t really fit them - like an off the peg suit will do. but its never special, never a joy to wear.

Imagine if they could be re-measured and a more tailored fit found for them in your company. So they no longer like working for you, they love it.

We call that nudging because they’re often close than you might think to the hole their peg was cut for.

Thank you enormously for a very helpful and upbeat discussion this morning.  It was uplifting, inspiring and energising. I really do appreciate your ideas and energy and look forward to see how things develop.

Mark Hews, CEO Benefact Group


Nobody likes to have their blindspots pointed out so we take founders on a short journey to help them realise how good they are at spotting things in other peoples businesses that could be improved.

Once they realise this is simply an outcome of having a fresh external perspective they become more open to the idea that perhaps their business like every other one has blindspots too.

Once we’ve agreed that it’s not seen as a threat but a real opportunity, we begin to offer some questions and challenges about the offering and product some of which could be game changing. For example - in an iconic luxury fashion store - why is the lighting so unflattering?

This is probably the best piece of marketing we’ve ever done.

Ailsa Fleming, Trickers Shoes

Film and Video

We deliberately don't make promotional videos because we hate watching them ourselves. Instead we make mini-documentaries drawing on our 15 years experience producing prime time films for Channel 4.

We take a little longer, dive deeper and add the human touch that makes all the difference. That's why many of our films have a shelf life of up to 10 years which far out performs pretty well anything the competition is doing.

Many say the process of making the films with us is as valuable as the end result.

The Boden brand film taught me more about the company in 5 minutes than the whole of the induction process we went through

Jon Wetherell, Creative Director, Boden

Social Superstars

Many companies struggle to keep their social media stream flowing. Staff dread being asked to vlog, technical skills can be lacking  and editing content can clog up the comms department.

We’ve found that if you foster a fun and playful culture of experimentation in the early stages of content creation, unexpected new talent will come forth - and stream of authentic vlogs and podcasts can flow - with a streamlined workflow with some backline support from us.

Novo Nordisk needed to harness staff insights from teams around the world to share learning on their extensive intranet and externally. A series of vlogging workshops uniting staff in America, UK and Europe help build confidence and capability to begin a stream of simple video clips.

They do things in such a unique way, you'll get so much more than you paid for.

Mary Fletcher-Louis, Novo Nordisk